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Quarter 04/2019

12. December 2019

CIBORIUS is now a certified training provider with its own academy

Qualified employees are the most important element in any company. Thanks to its tireless efforts and further investments, “DASM – Deutsche Akademie für Sicherheits- und Managementausbildungen GmbH”, a company of the CIBORIUS Group, is certified as an approved AZAV provider. As a specialist, DASM offers a wide range of training and further education courses throughout Germany for customers from the private sector and public authorities.

For example, CIBORIUS’ own academy can provide internal and external participants with certified training and further education, from first aider training and further education for companies (BG certified), fire protection officers, master craftsmen for protection and security (IHK), to risk and crisis management or the trainer aptitude test (according to AEVO).

Our lecturers and consultants come from official institutions such as the BMI, the state police or other state bodies, were responsible for corporate security at well-known DAX companies or are lecturers at universities. Thanks to this expertise, DASM guarantees and ensures high-quality training and further education.

CIBORIUS donates its security service for the 4th year at the “HELPING HELP” event

19 days before the official start of the festive season, Frankfurt’s homeless once again have a very special Christmas this year. As in previous years, Bernd Reisig and his foundation “helfen helfen” organized a Christmas goose dinner in Frankfurt’s Römer on Thursday, 5 December 2019. The guests were entertained by a total of 36 prominent helpers. Among them are: Peter Feldmann (Lord Mayor of Frankfurt), Peter Fischer (President of Eintracht Frankfurt), Radost Bokel (actress) and many more.

The employees of CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Frankfurt am Main – a CIBORIUS Group company – were also able to make a small contribution to people in need in the region with this event.

New customers move out:

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Berlin GmbH

    • District Office Gotha | Order extension
    • Prize Germany GmbH
    • Office Center Erfurt
    • Radial Fulfillment GmbH
    • District Office Reinickendorf of Berlin | Contract extension
    • Company for asset management Oberhavel

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Frankfurt am Main GmbH

    • LMG Architects
    • Baumann GmbH & Co KG
    • SODEXO Beteiligungs B.V. & Co KG

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Mannheim GmbH

    • Karlsruhe Regional Council | Mannheim State Reception Center
    • Nationaltheater Mannheim | Contract extension

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Stuttgart GmbH

    • Karlsruhe Regional Council, Karlsruhe State Reception Center
    • ZÜBLIN AG | Order expansion
    • Stuttgart Regional Council | Order extension

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